
I empower purpose-driven women to unlock their authentic voice with clarity, poise, and impact.

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Your Voice


How to elevate your thinking

Unlocking your authentic voice starts with understanding the essence of who you truly are, and who you are not.

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Be You

speak your truth.
it is your singular power.

I help you unravel your life's tapestry, revealing the themes and patterns that shaped you. Become well acquainted with your 'why' to see golden threads woven into your strength, wisdom, values, and beliefs. It drives your purpose and enriches your life. Utilize these connective threads, and it will flow through the powerful essence of your true voice. Then, your vision will be more clear, and your purpose more compelling.

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Why your authentic voice matters


Individuality marks the intrinsic value of who we are.  Learning and practicing how to deeply connect with yourself teaches you clarity and power. Nobody's opinions, nothing you do changes your individual worth fundamentally. You have a purpose to contribute uniquely to the world. Your gifts, skills, personality, your heart are meant to be authentically expressed at every stage of life. Understanding this becomes liberating, both personally and professionally.


Trusting in yourself harnesses true confidence. This strong sense of personal power and agency is as vital as breathing air. It becomes your compass in critical decision making, and builds bridges of trust in you and to you.

Genuine relationships begin when you are able to sustain a visceral connection with yourself. When you are clear about your values, beliefs, and purpose, you understand who you are. Your contribution to the world is what builds connections to yourself and builds connection to others you want to serve. Build this solid foundation, and you will develop stronger bonds with those you serve, as well as amplify your impact.

Hi  there,

My name is francis.

Born in Seoul, Korea, I grew up living in cultures and continents—from Asia to Europe, New York to Las Vegas—before making a home in the serene mountains of Kentucky. I have learned to stand grounded in my values and beliefs, while embracing the beauty of diverse cultures and people I have come to appreciate and love.

My father modeled great composure and spoke quiet wisdom at my crossroads. My mother, an extraordinary woman of grit and determination, overcame extreme poverty. Both were examples of strength of character and great courage in my life.

I am a combination of peace and fire influenced by my  family roots, my own journey of adversity, and joy. And now, the culmination of my life's work has brought me here to serve you.

Army B.R.A.T.
 Boy Mom

-Ruthie C.

Owner of Vision Granted – Chief Grant Writing &
Project Management Consultant

You have such a natural gift helping other people magnify their own light.

for Generations to Come


You're compelled to help make a change.
Ready for more clarity, power and poise?
Your impact is one thought away.

Blaze the path 

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