
I empower driven women to harmonize their emotions so that they can communicate their purpose with greater confidence, clarity and poise. 

    stand in your power      

Your Voice


How to Stand in
Your Power

Learn how acidic thoughts impact the cells in your body. Find out how your background "noise" is exhausting your energy and your poise. Create and nuture clean thoughts that give you power to hush the inner critic and lead with the inner coach. It's time to connect to your wisdom, maximize your gifts and trust your voice as a force for good. 

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Be You

speak your truth.
it is your singular power.

If you unraveled your life's tapestry, what would you see? It's a scroll of your themes and patterns that created who you are.
"Your why" is your understanding of these interweavings that are infused with your inner strength, wisdom from your life lessons, values, and unique expression. It gives you meaning, connection, and purpose. This is the art of your essence. Allow your personalized tapestry to freely flow through the power of your voice. 

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powerful benefits of purposeful living


Can boost your well-being, be therapeutic, lengthen your life and have a higher quality immune system* including calming your heart


Strengthen your resilience against storms of doubt. Bounce back in less time, and conserve your energy.

*National Life of Medicine
National Institutes of Health (NIH) 

Can center you, reprioritize, and guide decision making. Can help manage your time and channel your energy to create impactful results. 

Hi  there,

My name is francis.

I am a blend of peace and fire, committed to helping women cultivate emotional resilience and poise as they express their soul's voice. My mission is rooted in the belief that confidence and inner strength arise when we give voice to our most authentic selves. I advocate for women whose unstoppable vision and love shape future generations, knowing their voices carry transformative power.

With a rich background in education, I am a dedicated purpose driven life coach, specializing in holistic human development. My approach guides individuals through various stages of life by blending principled-based and cosmic education, neuroscience, growth mindset, introspective thinking, and micro writing to expand, deepen, and inspire the fullest expression of your authentic self.

Army B.R.A.T.
 Mother of Boys,
Purpose Driven LIFE COACH

-Ruthie Caldwell

Owner of Vision Granted – Chief Grant Writing &
Project Management Consultant

You have such a natural gift helping other people magnify their own light.

from the

fs insider

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 for Generations to Come


You're compelled to help make Change.
Ready for more Clarity, Power and Poise?
Your impact is one thought away.

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