

My mission is to help women learn how to find power in their authentic voice, illuminate their light, fulfill their purpose so that they can strengthen future generations and leave a lasting legacy.

There is fire deep in my essence that every soul is of great worth.
I will help every woman within my reach, remember her power. She will remember who she is, and so will her posterity.

Let's talk

the founder


 Francis brings you the art and science of a human development expert, educator and certified life coach.

Francis has lived all over the world.  She has lived and traveled in Asia, Europe and various states across the nation from California, New York to Las Vegas, and Kentucky. 
She never stops learning to give back to the rising generation. Francis holds a B.A. in Human Development and Family Sciences.She also holds master studies and certifications in holistic health and nutrition specialized in cleansing and rebuiiding the body for fifteen years as a wellness coach. She is a Simply Music teacher, an AMS Montessori 6-12 certified educator, and is a certified life coach. She has taught growth mindset and introspective writing for fifteen years  in written, oratory and music form.

What about you?



What makes you feel alive?


What voice of strength do you want to offer?


What I care about

What do you believe in?

Education, family, women, young people, health & wellness, creative expression, culture and diversity, peace and civility, nature, my faith, believing in the human potential, impacting the world with good and with healing 

What do you care about?

What about you?

let's chat

 Together, You Can

 Say who you are.
and reach those
who are waiting .

Be undeniable. The alternative? You deny your talents, and your skills. You bury  your wisdom, your experience, your humanity,  and your voice. Nourish your essence.

You have the power to make a difference.